Why You Need Individual Consulting Services in Atlanta

Having extra support when developing a financial plan is essential to reaching your goals, especially if you’re unsure of how to get there. Contact Marshall Jones if you’re experiencing any of the following turning points:

Your Family Is Growing

According to an analysis by Brookings, raising a child costs about $310,605, which doesn’t include college funds. With a significant change like that, you need an individual financial advisor to guide you through issues such as saving for your child’s college education or providing for your growing family while keeping your retirement plan on track.

You’ve Received a Large Sum of Money

When you receive a bonus, an inheritance or any other windfall, you may have questions about what to do with it. An accounting professional will help you think of how you can put the money to work toward your personal financial goal. They can help you determine how to pay existing debt or put money in your retirement plan.

You’re Approaching Retirement or Want to Retire Early

Retirement comes with several planning challenges. For instance, you must have a plan to help your money last throughout this next phase of your life while accounting for unanticipated costs like health care. You can always turn to an advisor to take a fresh look at your finances as your life changes.

You’re Beginning or Ending a Relationship

Relationship milestones such as marriage, divorce or moving in with a new spouse require careful planning, especially financially. You must figure out how to divide your assets and other investments or whether you have enough money to support your new family. If you have a new partner, you may need to rethink your retirement plan, merge your finances or create an estate plan. Working with a knowledgeable advisor who understands what’s important to you will help you get through all these tasks.

Our Individual Consulting Services Include

Estate & Trust Tax Preparation

Effective estate and gift planning facilitates the orderly transfer of assets to your beneficiaries, provides security for your surviving spouse, and can reduce or eliminate the tax due on the transfer of your business and other assets. For business owners, providing for business continuity and succession of ownership is essential. We can guide you through the complex process of getting your financial affairs in order.

IRS Representation

During our years of experience dealing with many taxing authorities, we have achieved a level of competence that can ensure our clients they are being properly represented before the various federal and state tax agencies.

Estate Planning

Effective estate planning facilitates the orderly transfer of assets to your beneficiaries, provides security for your surviving spouse, and can reduce or eliminate the tax due on the transfer of your business and other assets. For business owners, providing for business continuity and succession of ownership is essential. We can guide you through the complex process of getting your financial affairs in order.

Financial Planning

A properly structured financial plan enables you to face any financial challenge that may present itself at each stage of your life. Through the financial planning process, we can help you assess your financial needs and develop strategies that will enable you to achieve your goals and strengthen your financial security.

Benefits of Working With Marshall Jones

These are some of the benefits of working with our professional advisors:

  • Personalized accounting: Our individual consulting services are tailored to your specific financial goals.
  • Professional accounting assistance: All our professionals are certified public accountants. You can rest assured that all recommendations are objective and based on financial expertise.
  • Saved time: With a professional individual consultant managing your finances, you’ll quickly receive updates and share reports. This way, you can focus more on other areas of your life rather than managing the financial aspect as well.

Contact Us

Our team of skilled tax and accounting professionals is prepared to assist you with your business objectives, whether it’s a brief meeting, consultation, or in-depth audit. Contact us now to begin working together towards your goals.